题目:Polymer NanoEngineering in Thin Films: Towards NanoCarbon and Nanolithography
报告人: Tang Chuanbing 博士
Materials Research Laboratory
University of California at Santa Barbara
主持人:李星国 教授
Polymer nanoengineering in thin films is a fast growing field, particularly attractive given its diverse applications in electronic devices. In the first part of this talk, I will briefly discuss a powerful controlled macromolecular synthetic technique to prepare polyacrylonitrile block copolymers. A simple and robust templating strategy is developed to use these copolymers as precursors to prepare thin film NanoCarbon materials with partially graphitic structures. Furthermore, ordered NanoCarbon is obtained using highly ordered block copolymer precursors, which can be achieved using a directional casting technique.
In the second part, I will present novel square nanoscale patterns suitable for block copolymer lithography. Traditional self-assembling approaches based on block copolymer lithography spontaneously yield nanometer-sized hexagonal structures, but these features are not consistent with the semiconductor industry-standard rectilinear coordinate system. I develop a modular and hierarchical self-assembly strategy, combining supramolecular assembly of hydrogen-bonding units with controlled phase separation of diblock copolymers, for the generation of highly ordered square arrays. These square arrays would enable simplified addressability and circuit interconnection in integrated circuit manufacturing and nanotechnology.
联系人:尹喆 yin-zhe@pku.edu.cn 010-62767394
About the Speaker
南京大学高分子科学与工程系学士学位,师从于中科院院士程镕时教授。美国Carnegie Mellon University(卡耐基梅隆大学)化学系博士学位,师从于原子转移自由基聚合开创者美国工程院院士Krzysztof Matyjaszewski教授和高分子纳米学者Tomasz Kowalewski教授。2006年开始在University of California Santa Barbara(加州大学圣巴巴拉分校)材料研究实验室从事博士后研究工作。在美国工程院院士Edward Kramer教授, 美国科学基金会的材料研究科技中心主任Craig Hawker 教授以及美国工程院院士Glenn Fredrickson教授指导下工作。先后获加州大学圣巴巴拉分校材料研究报告会最佳画报奖,美国化学会匹兹堡分会高分子员工奖,教育部国家优秀职工奖,美国化学会R. A. Glenn奖最终入围名单等。在可控活性自由基聚合,新型碳纳米材料制备和表征,高分子自组装和有序化以及纳米光刻技术等方面展开了一流的研究工作。已发表论文20余篇,包括1篇第一作者的Science,4篇Journal of American Chemical Society,1篇Angewandte Chemie,1篇Advanced Materials,8篇Macromolecules,美国发明专利1项,被邀请撰写3个专著章节。研究工作多次接受国际科学机构,期刊和媒体如美国国家科学基金会、美国国家纳米技术计划,自然,自然化学,美国化学协会化学和工程新闻,物理世界,匹兹堡邮报等采访或专题报道。多次在国际学术会议上作报告或邀请报告,并多次被美国半导体研究共同体和美国国家科学基金会邀请参加基金项目报告会并作大会报告。在斯坦福大学,加州大学,北卡州立大学,伯克利国家实验室,犹他大学,IBM,杜邦等世界知名高校和跨国公司作邀请报告。 “Advanced Materials”, “Advanced Functional Materials”, “Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics”, “Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry”, “Journal of Applied Polymer Science”, “ACS Symposium Volume”等期刊和系列专著长期审稿人。美国化学会; 美国化学会高分子化学分会; 美国化学会高分子材料科技分会; 美国物理协会; 美国碳协会; 美国Sigma Xi科学研究协会等协会会员。