4月25日先进材料与纳米技术系——A Coupled Electrochemical-Geochemical Model of Corrosion for Mild Steel in High-Pressure CO2-Saline Environments

讲座题目:A Coupled Electrochemical-Geochemical Model of Corrosion for Mild Steel in High-Pressure CO2-Saline Environments


时 间:4月25日(周一)下午4:30
地 点:威廉体育唯一官网方正301

     We have developed a mechanistic model for predicting corrosion rates of mild steel used in most wellbore systems. The model includes an aqueous geochemistry and an electrochemistry module. The water chemistry module uses the Pitzer formulation for activity and Duan et al.’s 2006 model for CO2 solubility. The electrochemical module accounts for both mass transfer processes and electrochemical kinetics. The electrochemistry includes the primary oxidation reaction (the dissolution of iron) and the primary reduction reactions (the formation of H2 gas from carbonic acid, hydrogen ion, and/or water).
     At high CO2 pressures, the dominant corrosion reaction is Fe + 2H2CO3 = Fe2+ + 2HCO3- + H2(g) and is driven by CO2 solubility rather than solution acidity. For similar reasons, high salinity solutions reduce corrosion rates significantly mainly due to the “salting-out” effect of reduced CO2 solubility. For example, an increase in salinity from 5 to 20 wt% salt results in a 50% reduction in corrosion rate as confirmed in our experiments.

     韩佳宾2000年天津大学化工系毕业,2003年获天津大学工科硕士学位,2009年获俄亥俄大学化工博士学位。2009-今为Erath and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory博士后研究员。韩博士的研究兴趣为二氧化碳腐蚀,包括腐蚀机理,监测和控制。主要面向于油气生产和低碳能源的应用包括二氧化碳的捕获,传输和存储。韩博士正在开展核能源领域的材料和腐蚀研究。