7月12日生物医学工程系——Engineering Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nano Scale-- From Molecular Screening, Cell Manipulation to Cancer Diagnosis

讲座题目:Engineering Biology and Medicine at the Micro and Nano Scale --From Molecular Screening, Cell Manipulation to Cancer Diagnosis

报告人:Dr.  Xiaojing Zhang

时 间:7月12日(周二)下午2:00-3:00
地 点:威廉体育唯一官网校医院A-534会议室

     Our laboratory is currently developing a few breakthrough biotechnologies exploring miniaturization technology and scale-dependent physical phenomena towards the future healthcare, in particular early cancer diagnosis. I will review our research on (1) rapid blood screening devices for circulating tumor cells detection and analysis; (2) MEMS scanner based endoscopes for in vivo sub-cellular early cancer diagnosis, and (3) quantum dots based near-field imaging nanoscopes to detect the disease signal pathways and molecular scale energy transfer process. Nano-Micro scale science, Information, and Biomedicine are integrative components of the research that are used with advanced engineering tools to facilitate biomedical studies and develop point-of-care diagnostics for global health initiatives.

     Dr. Zhang is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas of Austin (UT Austin) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, with joint affiliations with Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology (ICMB), Microelectronics Research Center and Texas Materials Institute. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University, California in 2004, and was a Research Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, before joining the faculty at UT Austin in 2005. 
     Zhang’s research focuses on exploring bio-inspired nanomaterials, scale-dependent biophysics, and nanofabrication technology, towards developing new diagnostic devices and methods on probing complex cellular processes and biological networks critical to development and diseases. Both multi-scale experimental and theoretical approaches are combined to investigate fundamental force, flow and energy processes at the interface of engineering and biomedicine. In particular, his laboratory is pioneering the development of integrated photonic microsystems (MEMS, micro-electro-mechanical systems), semiconductor chips and nanotechnologies critical to healthcare, defense and environmental applications. He has published over 120 peer reviewed papers and proceedings, presented over 45 invited seminars worldwide, and filed over 15 US patents. His research findings have been highlighted in many public media, and were licensed to two companies: CardioSpectra, Inc. which was acquired by Volcano Corporation (NASDAQ:VOLC) with $25 million in 2007, and NanoLite Systems, Inc., which he co-founded in 2009 and won 2010 Medical Device Grant from National Instruments. He has organized many major conferences in the area of MEMS/BioMEMS, nanotechnologies and biomedical engineering.
     In addition to being the Principle Investigator of many major grants from U.S. federal agencies such as NIH, NSF and DARPA, Dr. Zhang was also recipient of many prestigious awards, including: the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Award for Translational Research in Biomedical Engineering in 2006, the British Council Early Career RXP Award in 2008, NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (NSF CAREER) Award in 2009-2014, DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2010, and one of 100 invitees from both academia and industry under the age of 45 to attend U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers of Engineering (NAE-FOE) program in 2011.