时 间:5月24日(周五)下午3:00
地 点:英国威廉希尔公司1号楼210会议室
Ou Ma received a B.Sc. degree from Zhejiang University, China, and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from McGill University, Canada. He is currently an endowed chair professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University (NMSU). His research interests are in dynamics and control of multibody dynamic systems and impact-contact dynamics mainly for aerospace and medical applications. Prior to joining NMSU in 2002, Dr. Ma had worked in space industry as a senior project engineer and R&D technical lead for a number of major projects developing space robotics technologies for the Space Shuttles and the International Space Station. He also participated in several design and concept evaluation projects for satellite on-orbit servicing missions including DARPA’s Orbital Express and Germany’s DEOS Programs. Due to his extensive industrial experience, Dr. Ma is particularly interested in design innovation and interdisciplinary research. He is currently leading several basic research projects sponsored by NSF, DoD and NASA.