Shell Lecture Series in PKU (6):Changbei Gas Development & Production Operational Excellence

主   办:壳牌-williamhill体育在线登录联合学术讲座
报告人:Dr. Li Xu,Director, North China and General Manager, Changbei
时   间:下午3:00 - 4:30
地   点:三教303
主持人:龚斌 特聘研究员


Changbei is a tight gas field located west of Yulin, Shaanxi Province, and producing and transmitting 3.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Beijing every year. It was a joint project between Shell and PetroChina, and Shell was the Operator. Since Shell and PetroChina entered a Production Sharing Contract in 1999, extensive studies were carried out and indicated no commerciality at that time. However, Shell, as the operator, continued to apply a variety of technologies to the field, and eventually found a suitable technology solution to develop the tight gas field in 2006, and it has significantly improved the project economics. To clean up the air in Beijing for 2008 Olympics, Changbei gas field development was accelerated two years ahead of its original schedule and delivered  3.0 billion cubic meters per year of initial plateau production by 2008. During this seminar, Dr. Xu will review the technologies applied in Changbei, not only for the field development, but also the Production Operational Excellence. In addition, Dr. Xu will discuss the ongoing Changbei Phase II Development, also called New Changbei.



徐立1986年毕业于中国地质大学煤田地质专业,1988年被选派英国留学, 在英国牛津大学地质科学系获得博士学位。1991加入位于英国剑桥的石油地质研究公司从事石油测井解释及地质模型工作。1994年加入埃克森石油公司,先后在中国和美国从事油气勘探与评价工作。 2002年加入壳牌中国,先后任职于液化天然气及天然气管道项目的新业务开发经理,杭州天然气有限公司总经理,壳牌中国油气开发经理,2011年就任壳牌长北气田总经理,2013年任壳牌中国北区董事。