主 办:力学系与应用物理中心
时 间:1月12日 周四 下午3:00
地 点:力学楼434室
主持人:康炜 研究员
? 裂变增值孤立波(非线性行波解)
? 应用研究:有限长度下的行波解
? 沸水行波堆可能性以及它的重要性
Dr. Xue-Nong Chen, male, born in Nanjing, China, on April 3, 1962. Bachelor and Master Degrees in Mechanics, Shanghai Jiaotong University (1979-1983). PhD in Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University (1989). Postdoc, Nanjing University (1989-1991). Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics, University Stuttgart (1999). Humboldt Research Fellow in University Duisburg (1991-1993). Associated researcher in University Stuttgart (1993-1999), Senior researcher at European Development Centre of Inland and Coast Navigation, Duisburg (1999-2001), Research Scientist, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (since 2001), 1992 IUTAMPrize, ICTAM 1992 Israel, 2002 Richard-von-Mises-Prize of GAMM (the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics). Long-term research experience in dynamic systems, nonlinear waves and critical sodium and gas cooled fast reactor and LBE cooled ADS safety. Involved in and contributing to the major EU ADS projects such as PDS-XADS, EUROTRANS, CDT, SEARCH and MAXSIMA and fast reactors projects of CP-ESFR and GoFastR. Current research work is concentrated on safety of SFR and LBE cooled ADS systems and the concept studies of traveling wave reactor (TWR).