Multi-scale modeling of instabilities in film/substrate systems

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:徐凡 博士
时   间:4月14日下午3:30
地   点:力学楼434室
主持人:韦小丁 特聘研究员


Morphological wrinkling of a soft material with a stiff thin layer has been widely observed both in nature and in modern industry. A basic characteristic of such film/substrate systems is their ability to experience large deformation under compressive stresses, which inevitably leads to formation of patterns on the surface. Such pattern formation is often the result of loss of stability or symmetry breaking. Knowledge on how such instabilities arise and evolve is essential to describe, understand, predict, and ultimately to design complex functional materials and structures, for example the fabrication of stretchable electronic devices and micro/nano-scale surface patterning control. In the first part of this talk, quantitative prediction of various instability patterns based on advanced computational methods and theoretical analyses will be presented, from planar to curved geometry. All the cases involve highly nonlinear deformation and multiple bifurcations. The second part of this talk will be focused on our recent contributions in Fourier-related macroscopic modeling for large-scale instability problems with a significant reduction of computational cost.



徐凡,博士,现为复旦大学青年研究员。2005年-2009年在武汉大学获得工程力学学士学位。2011年在法国巴黎高科国立高等工艺学校(Arts et Métiers ParisTech)获得固体力学硕士学位。2014年于法国洛林大学获得固体力学博士学位,导师为Michel Potier-Ferry教授。2014年-2015年在法国国家科学研究中心(LEM3-UMR CNRS)做博士后研究。2015年底回国加入复旦大学航空航天系任青年研究员至今。目前的研究方向主要为软材料力学,包括薄膜/基底系统的表面失稳褶皱,多尺度建模和多场桥域耦合等。相关工作发表于J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Int. J. Solids Struct., Int. J. Nonlinear Mech.等国际知名力学期刊。2014年获教育部“国家优秀自费职工奖学金”,2016年获美国机械工程师协会(ASME)法国分部青年研究员论文奖(ASME Prize, France Section),2016年入选上海市“晨光计划”。
