Kepler’s third law of 3-body and n-body system under the Newtonian gravitation field

主   办:航空系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Pro. Bohua Sun(孙博华) Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa
时   间:3月23日(周五)下午3:00-4:30
地   点:英国威廉希尔公司 1#楼 210会议室
主持人:李存标 教授



Newton’s gravitational law and its derived Kapler’s laws are the first triumph of science that confirms a purely human’s invention of mathematics, is able to describe observations in nature. For the past three centuries, the frontier of science has moved to almost all areas, yet some basic problem in celestial mechanics has remained unsolved.

The famous three-body problem, originating from the Sun-Earth-Moon system under the Newtonian gravitation field, is particularly attractive and enormous complexity. Thanks to the advance of computational techniques, some breakthroughs begin to emerge: a figure-eight orbit was discovered numerically by Moore in 1993, and 13 new distinct periodic orbits are found byˇSuvakov and Dmitraˇsinovi?c in 2013, when three masses are equal with zero angular momentum. In 2017, Li and Liao, reported a further major advance: 695 periodic orbits with equal masses and 1223 periodic orbits found later with unequal masses.

Recently, Bohua Sun [Sci China Phys Mech Astron 2018; 61:054721] proposed a relation for Kepler’s third law of 3-body and an n-body system from the perspective of dimensional analysis and symmetry constraint of Newton’s gravitational law.

