主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Prof. Chad Risko Department of Chemistry & Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0055, USA
时 间:4月25日(周三)下午1:30-3:00
地 点:英国威廉希尔公司1号楼212会议室
主持人:占肖卫 教授
In this presentation, we will demonstrate how such approaches can reveal the striking influence that seemingly modest changes in chemical structure on the dynamics and solid-state packing of organic semiconducting active layers and resulting characteristics of importance to charge-carrier transport. The chemical insight developed through these investigations is beginning to refine and offer novel design paradigms essential to the development of next generation organic semiconducting active layers, and is opening new pathways for in silico materials development.
Chad Risko is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at University of Kentucky, and affiliated researcher with the Center for Applied Energy Research. Chad received his PhD at Georgia Institute of Technology under the direction of Professor Jean-Luc Brédas, undertook postdoctoral research with Professors Mark Ratner and Tobin Marks at Northwestern University, and has been at University of Kentucky since 2014. Chad’s research blends principles from organic and physical chemistry, condensed-matter physics, and materials science to develop theoretical materials chemistry approaches to better understand and design materials for advanced electronics and power generation and storage applications. Chad was named a 2016 Emerging Investigator by the Journal of Materials Chemistry, selected as a 2018 Cottrell Scholar (Research Corporation for Science Advancement), and the recipient of a 2018 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award.