Control of “Valley” Properties in 2D Materials by Magnetism

报告人: Prof Hao Zeng Centre for BioNano Interactions, University College Dublin,
主持人:侯仰龙 教授


Hao Zeng received his B.S. degree from Nanjing University and Ph.D. from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, both in physics. He was a postdoc fellow at IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center between 2001 and 2004. He then joined the Physics Department at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York as an Assistant Professor. In 2014 he was promoted to full Professor.

He is the recipient of an IBM Research Division Award, National Science Foundation CAREER award, UB Exceptional Scholar-Yong Investigator Award and Lixun Young Scientist Award, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of sciences. He is an editor of the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic materials and an editorial board member of Chinese Physics B. He has published 100+ papers in Journals including Nature, Nature Nano., PRL, Nano Letters, JACS, Adv. Mater. and Nano Energy. These papers have been cited for 15,000+ times. Hao Zeng’s research area is in condensed matter and materials physics. His present research interests focus on nanoscale magnetism and spintronics, unconventional semiconductor materials and bio-applications of magnetic nanoparticles.