报告人:王世浩 博士,Department of Petroleum Engineering Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO USA
CO2 flooding has been receiving greater attentions due to its effectiveness and capability to increase oil recovery rate from tight oil or low-permeability reservoirs. The US experiences in developing tight oil reservoirs in the past decade has shown that gas injection, such as CO2 or natural gas flooding or huff-n-puff, is the only approach that works for enhancing oil recovery from low-permeability unconventional tight-oil reservoirs. Considering the large reserves in unconventional reservoirs as well as 60-70% remaining oil in place in conventional petroleum reservoirs in the world, CO2-EOR will have even greater potential for world-wide application. However, CO2 flow and displacement behavior in reservoirs, in particular, in low-permeability reservoirs, is not still well studied or understood. The recent field observations and laboratory experiments indicate that effects of rock deformation and thermal condition have non-negligible impacts on the production performance of CO2-EOR. On the other hand, there are many approximations or limitations to model CO2-EOR processes under effects of rock compaction as well as under non-isothermal condition with current reservoir simulation techniques. There is no commercial simulator can handle such complicated flow behavior in CO2-EOR processes.
The improved/enhanced recovery of unconventional reservoirs involves complex multiphysical processes, which have become great challenges to traditional reservoir simulation. This talk addresses the advances in the reservoir simulation of coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical processes arising in unconventional reservoirs, focusing on the application in CO2-EOR and hydraulic fracturing. The presented work will cover the transport mechanism, phase behavior, numerical approach as well as software development of cutting-edge reservoir simulation techniques.
王世浩:美国科罗拉多矿业大学石油工程系博士后研究员。2008-2012年在williamhill体育在线登录攻读能源与资源工程学士学位。2012-2018年在科罗拉多矿业大学攻读石油工程硕士与博士学位,辅修数学学位。期间在斯伦贝谢Doll研究中心参与Eclipse软件相关研究工作。曾获得北京市优秀毕业生、国家奖学金、国际石油工程师协会Rocky Mountain奖学金等荣誉。主要研究方向为多孔介质中流固耦合相关的多尺度数值计算,为TOUGH软件资深开发者。研究成果被若干商用软件采用。现已发表学术论文二十一篇,其中以第一或通信作者在Physics of Fluids, Fuel, Geothermics等知名SCI期刊发表论文七篇。担任Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Fluid Mechanics , SPE Journal等期刊审稿人。即将入职Chevron公司从事Intersect软件相关研发。
联系人: 邸 元 (13552709129)