Surface modifications for implants in dental applications: screw-type solid fixture and 3D-printed interconnected porous scaffold

报告人:黄何雄 教授(台湾阳明大学)
时间:1月7日(周二)上午 9:00
主持人:郑玉峰 教授


Some biocompatible materials, such as pure titanium (Ti), Ti alloy, and zirconia (ZrO2), have been widely used in the screw-type dental implant system, including abutment and fixture. Various surface modifications are applied to the commercial screw-type dental implant systems for improving the osseointegration of implant surfaces. On the other hand, with the rapid progress of digital dentistry, the interconnected porous metallic scaffolds can be manufactured using 3D printing process in implant applications, such as lower jaw implant. In this case, suitable surface modification is still necessary based on clinical respects; however, relatively limited surface modifications can be potentially considered. In my talk, some of the research work on the abovementioned issues, being carried out in my laboratory, will be presented. Particularly, the effects of surface biomolecule immobilization on the biological responses to the surfaces of the screw-type solid Ti and ZrO2 dental implant fixtures and the 3D-printed interconnected porous Ti alloy scaffold.



黄何雄博士现为台湾阳明大学牙医学院第一位校级特聘教授。学术背景为机械工程(学士/硕士)及材料科学(博士),曾公费赴德国研究一年。从事牙科金属及陶瓷生医材料表面处理、体外/体内生物兼容性质、电化学技术、机械性质及腐蚀机理方面的研究,与国内外产业界、医院及研究单位均有持续的合作关系。自1999年迄今每年平均获台湾科技部研究计划及特殊优秀人才奖励。近五年来,多次获得台湾科技部“杰出学者养成计划” ,阳明大学多次“学术卓越奖励”、“产学合作贡献奖”及“技术暨商业模式创意竞赛”大奖,以及台湾牙医师公会全国联合会年度唯一“学术研究奖-特优”。多年来持续收录于多项知名世界名人录(包含Who’s Who In the World®等)。至今以第一作者或通讯作者身分发表SCI期刊论文80篇余篇,其中半数以上论文发表于相关领域排名前20%之期刊。在国际方面,目前(2019年)担任International Corrosion Council、World Corrosion Organization及International Corrosion Engineering Council 台湾区理事。多次担任国际SCI 期刊之Guest Editor、Editorial Board及Associate Editor。目前(2019年)担任台湾相关学术性学会、医院及医学中心之理监事、顾问及兼任研究员。
