力学系&湍流实验室学术报告:Micromechanical Modeling of Geomaterials by Considering the Microstructural and Matrix Anisotropies








Micromechanical Modeling of Geomaterials by Considering the Microstructural and Matrix Anisotropies


报告人杜扣 博士,University of Lorraine,France



主持人:唐少强  教授



The mechanical properties of heterogeneous geomaterials are evaluated by simultaneously taking into account the microstructural anisotropy as well as the one of matrix. To this end, the microstructural anisotropy is represented by the complexity of superspherical and the axisymmetrical superspheroidal pores. The concentration and contribution tensors are approximated by analytical expressions for the case of the concavity parameter being p < 1, to evaluate the associated effective properties. On the basis of 3D Finite Element Modeling, approximate relations of the property contribution tensors are developed for both elastic and thermal problems. Moreover, in the frame of homogenization, application to the typical porous geomaterials with transversely isotropic matrix such as clay rocks is presented to illustrate the impact of the concavity parameter and the matrix anisotropy on overall properties through several micromechanical homogenization schemes. The overall properties of composites with regular pores are also predicted using direct finite element approaches and then compared against micromechanical modeling. The effect of microstructure is analysed by considering periodic RVEs containing random arrangements of pores formed by transversely isotropic phases.



Dr. Kou DU received her BEng. degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2015. She then graduated from INSA Lyon with double degree, and studied at University of Lorraine. She earned PhD degree in Mechanics in 2021. She has worked on several research topics, including micromechanical modeling of geomaterials by considering microstructural and matrix anisotropy, multiscale optimization of anisotropic materials by reduction technique, and amelioration of the performance of the fixation used in wind tunnel test.

