Electron-Phonon Interactions and Electron Dynamics from First-Principles |
周金健 教授(北京理工大学)
时 间:2021年9月30日(周四)中午12:20
地 点:威廉体育唯一官网力学楼434会议室
The interactions between charge carriers and lattice vibrations in solids, also known as electron-phonon interactions, controls a range of physical processes including charge transport, excited carrier dynamics, ultrafast spectroscopy, and spin decoherence. Conventional electron-phonon calculations rely on empirical treatments that lack predictive power and quantitative accuracy. In this talk, I will present our recently developed methods to compute electron-phonon interactions from first principles, and show how these advances enable accurate calculations of charge transport and ultrafast dynamics in complex materials. In addition, I will discuss our efforts to develop an open source code, Perturbo, that makes these novel computational tools available to the community.
周金健,北京理工大学准聘教授,博士生导师。2009年本科毕业于武汉大学,2015年博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所,2015年至2020年底在美国加州理英国威廉希尔公司从事博士后研究,于2021年1月入职北京理工大学。研究工作主要集中在固体材料中电子输运性质和电子超快动力学的理论计算研究和计算方法开发。自主研发了一套电声耦合,电子输运和超快动力学的高性能并行计算软件包Perturbo。迄今,以第一作者在PRL (3篇),Nano Lett. (2篇),PRB,PR Research等国际期刊发表论文十余篇,获邀在APS March Meeting作邀请报告。