主要研究方向为现代控制理论;飞行力学;飞行器导航、控制与制导;复杂高速机动运动的先进控制技术, 近空间高速飞行动力学与控制的关键科学问题, 卫星轨道机动控制技术。
长期在航空部门从事航空航天飞行控制方面的研究和设计工作,主要从事飞行力学、飞行器控制导航、飞行器系统总体等研究与设计工作,负责的国家预研课题曾获省部级以上科技奖励。在相关研究领域发表中英文论文多篇。2007年5月开始任职于威廉体育唯一官网力学与工程科学系 。主要从事动力学与控制,高超声速飞行关键科学问题,气动、控制与制导一体化设计等方面的研究。作为项目主持人和主要成员承担并完成了国家重大专项工程相关项目、航空基金项目、自然基金重大研究计划重点项目、前沿探索项目。在专业相关领域国际主流期刊发表SCI、EI论文数十篇。曾获国家航空科技成果一等奖。
(* Corresponding author)
- Zhou, Jialing ,Yang, Jianying *,Guidance Law Design for Impact Time Attack Against Moving Targets,IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,2018 ,54(5):2580 - 2589,10.1109/TAES.2018.2824679 (SCI)
- Wei xiaoqian,Yang Jianying*,Optimal strategies for multi-UAVs in a pursuit/evasion differential game,AIAA,Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics,2018,41(8):1799 - 1806 ,10.2514/1.G003480 (SCI)
- Zhou, Jialing ,Yang, Jianying * ,Distributed Guidance Law Design for Cooperative Simultaneous Attacks with Multiple Missiles,AIAA,Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics,2016,39(10):2436-2444 ,10.2514/1.G001609 (SCI)
- Zhou, Jialing , Yang, Jianying * ,Smooth Sliding Mode Control for Missile Interception with Finite-Time Convergence,AIAA,Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics,2015,38(7):1311-1318, 10.2514/1.G000912 (SCI)
- Li Chunzhi , Yang ,Jianying * ,Roll Control Using Only Synthetic Jet Actuators at High Angle of Attack,AIAA,Journal of Aircraft, 2017,54(1):371-377 (SCI)
- L. Yang, J.Y.Yang*, Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding-mode Control for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control ,21(16),pp.1865–1879,2011 (SCI)
- L.Song, J.Y. Yang*, An improved approach to robust stability analysis and controller synthesis for LPV systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control ; 2011 ,21(13): 1574–1586 ,(SCI)
- Zhang tingting ,Yang Jianying*,Cooperative guidance for simultaneous attack A fully distributed adaptive and optimal approach,International Journal of Control,2018,DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2018.1533251 (SCI)
- Hu, Zilun; Yang, Jianying* ,Distributed optimal formation algorithm for multi-satellites system with time-varying performance function, International Journal of Control, 06/2018:1-12, 10.1080/00207179.2018.1486512 (SCI)
- Zhou, Jialing ,Yang, Jianying *,Cooperative Guidance Law Design for Simultaneous Attack with Multiple Missiles Against a Maneuvering Target,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2018,31(1):287 - 301, 10.1007/s11424-018-6317-7 (SCI)
- Zhou, Jialing ,Yang, Jianying *,etc,Simultaneous attack of a stationary target using multiple missiles: a consensus-based approach,Science China Information Sciences, 2017 , 60 (7): 63 - 76 (SCI)
- Li Chunzhi ; Shen Jianhua; Zhai Sheng; Wang Chengcai; Yang Jianying*,Active Flow Vector Flight Control Using Only SJAs for a Fixed-Wing UAV, IEEE Access, 2018,6:76535 - 76545, (SCI)
- Hu Zilun,Yang Jianying*, Simultaneous attack strategy against a maneuvering target with unknown acceleration, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering ,2019,233(1):71-80,(SCI)
- Hu Zilun,Yang Jianying*,Distributed Finite-Time Optimization for Second Order Continuous-Time Multiple Agents Systems with Time-varying Cost Function,Neurocomputing ,2018, 287:173-184 ,(SCI)
- Liu, Yifan ,Yang, Jianying * ,Li, Chunzhi,Robust finite-time stability and stabilisation for switched linear parameter-varying systems and its application to bank-to-turn missiles,IET Control Theory and Applications,2015.9.17,9(14):2171~2179, (SCI)
- Zhang Tingting ,Yang Jianying*, Nonlinear dynamics and robust control of sloshing in a tank,Journal of Vibration and Control,2019,25(1):132-140(SCI)
- Li Chunzhi ,Yang Jianying *,Attitude Control of Aircraft Using Only Synthetic Jet Actuators When Stall Occurs,IEEE Access, 2018, 6:37910– 37917 (SCI)
- Wei, Xiaoqian; Yang, Jianying*, Cooperative guidance laws for simultaneous attack against a target with unknown maneuverability,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018, 10.1177/0954410018782507 (SCI)
- Hu, Zilun; Yang, Jianying* ,Distributed efficiency-based circular formation for the unmanned air vehicles detection system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 08/2018, 10.1177/0954410018793764 (SCI)
- ZS..Duan,L. Huang ,J.Y. Yang ,G.Z. Qin, On decoupled or coupled control of bank-to-turn missiles, Science China Information Sciences , 2015 ,58 (5) :52204.1-052204. (SCI)
- Wei, Xiaoqian; Yang, Jianying*, Finite time simultaneous attack for maneuvering target with unknown acceleration, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018,DOI: 10.1177/0142331218788119 (SCI)
- Yangyang Zhao, Jianying Yang* , Lei, Zhengdong, H∞ Guaranteed Cost Control for LPV Systems Subject to The Gain Constraint,Asian Journal of Control ,2014, 16(2): 609–616, (SCI)
- Y.Zhao, J.Y.Yang* ,H ∞ control for uncertain switched nonlinear singular systems with time delay, Nonlinear Dynamics,2013,74(3): 649-665,(SCI)
- Lei zhengdong, Wang man, Yang Jianying*, Nonlinear Robust Control of a Hypersonic Flight Vehicle Using Fuzzy Disturbance Observer, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 369092:1-10 (SCI)
- Wang man , Lei zhengdong , Yang Jianying* ,Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Flight Systems with Input Saturation and Model Mismatch, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013, 712486:1-9,(SCI)
- Lei Song, Jianying Yang*, Smooth switching output tracking control for LPV systems, Asian Journal of Control, 2012,14(6): 1710–1716, (SCI)
- Y.Zhao, J.Y.Yang*,et al An improved approach to reliable H-∞ guaranteed cost control for discrete time LPV systems with control input constraints,Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2012,349(1): 366-382 (SCI)
- L.Song, J.Y.Yang*, Robust reliable controller design against actuator faults for LPV systems with state feedback, Asian Journal of Control, 2011,13(6): 1075 --1081, (SCI)
- L. Yang, J.Y.Yang*, Robust Finite-time Convergence of Chaotic Systems via Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Scheme, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011,16(6):2405-2413(SCI)
- Song, Lei; Yang, Jianying; Xu, Shiyun,Chaos synchronization for a class of nonlinear oscillators with fractional order, Nonlinear Analysis , 2010, 72(5):2326-2336, (SCI)
- Song, Lei; Xu, Shiyun; Yang, Jianying,Dynamical models of happiness with fractional order, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat, 2010,15(3): 616-628, (SCI)
- L. Yang, J.Y.Yang,* Stabilization for a Class of Nonholonomic Perturbed Systems Via Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control,Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, America, pp. 1178–1183, 2010 (EI)
- Man Wang, Jianying Yang*, Guozheng Qin and Yingxin Yan ,Adaptive Fault-tolerant Control with Control Allocation for Flight Systems in the Presence of Severe Actuator Failures , 2013 American Control Conference (ACC), Washington, DC, USA, June 17-19, 2013: 5134 -5139,2013 (EI)
- 宋磊,杨剑影*,段志生 多模型切换系统H∞鲁棒控制器的设计与应用, 控制理论与应用,27,1531-1536,2010(EI)
- 黄琳,段志生,杨剑影.近空间高超声速飞行器对控制科学的挑战.控制理论与应用, 28(10);1496-1505,2011(EI)
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